

Ammonia (NH3) consists of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms. It is an important compound in many biological processes and is a key part of the nitrogen cycle.

How is Ammonia produced?

Ammonia occurs naturally at trace concentrations in the atmosphere. This is primarily from the decomposition of organic matter. However, the majority of ammonia occurs in the agricultural industry, who use ammonia as a fertilizer to help increase crop yield.

Ammonia emissions are also a by-product of animal waste in livestock and poultry operations.

Some manufacturing processes use ammonia, such as in the production of plastics, textiles, and pesticides, as well as in the fermentation industry and as an antimicrobial agent. It is also found in many household and industrial strength cleaning products.

What are the health risks and environmental effects of Ammonia?

Ammonia is a toxic gas that can cause burning in the respiratory tract when inhaled. Those most at risk of excess inhalation are workers whose industries use ammonia.

Why use an Aeroqual Ammonia sensor?

Ammonia has a distinct odor which can be an early warning sign of its presence. Having access to accurate real-time data goes a long way toward ensuring worker health and safety. Aeroqual offers both fixed and portable monitors to measure ammonia in the atmosphere, and at industrial sites.

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