
Writing a Dust Monitoring Plan

A step-by-step overview of the key features and questions to ask when designing a dust monitoring plan for your next remediation project.

Are you involved in remediation or other earth-moving activities?

Dust emissions are an inevitable part of any construction or remediation project. How you go about managing any resulting air pollution is critical to project success. Avoid trouble and fulfil your legal and moral obligations as a responsible site operator with a detailed monitoring plan.

Failure to keep dust pollution in check could result in:

  • Project delays

  • Costly fines

  • Permanent site shutdown

  • Reputational damage

  • Lung irritation and other respiratory health issues


Having a plan in place demonstrates a clear intention to limit the potential impact of your operations on residents and the surrounding environment. This goes a long way toward satisfying regulators and maintaining trust within the community.

Inside, we’ve covered all the necessary steps for designing an effective dust monitoring plan, including:

  • Carrying out an initial site assessment

  • Spotlighting potential risk factors

  • Establishing a robust dust mitigation plan

  • Taking swift and effective corrective action when needed

  • Fulfilling your reporting obligations


Along with a breakdown of each step, we’ve also included an example site map and a record sheet template – important visual assets worth including in any plan.

The steps outlined in this guide will be useful for anyone looking to:

  • Maintain regulatory compliance

  • Protect workers and the community

  • Avoid undue blame for emissions coming from other sources

  • Complete projects on-time and within budget

Your all-in-one guide for writing a dust monitoring plan

Download our dust monitoring guide and deliver a successful remediation project for customers and community.