
Sulfur Dioxide

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is a toxic gas with a strong irritating smell, used across a range of industries - such as winemaking and for dried fruits, due to its antimicrobial properties.

How is Sulfur Dioxide produced?

Sulfur dioxide is present at very low concentrations in the atmosphere. It is naturally emitted during volcanic eruptions.

Sulfur dioxide can enter the atmosphere as a waste product of several industrial processes. Fossil fuel combustion at power plants is the largest source of man-made SO2 emissions. Other sources include:

  • Extracting metal from ore

  • Burning high sulfur-containing fuels by ships, trains, and machinery

Sulfur dioxide is also an intermediate component in the formation of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is an important chemical in several industrial processes to remove oxidation and rust from metal sheeting.

What are the health risks and environmental effects of Sulfur Dioxide?

Inhaling SO2 can cause breathing difficulties and respiratory disease. In nature, it is a precursor to acid rain and the formation of atmospheric particulates (which can also impact the respiratory system.)

Why use an Aeroqual Sulfur Dioxide sensor?

Site managers at industrial sites monitor the perimeter to safeguard worker and community health while meeting their regulatory obligations.

Aeroqual offers both fixed and portable monitors with an SO2 sensor suitable for long-term outdoor perimeter monitoring, as well as shorter-term human exposure studies.

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